Wednesday, September 26th Pinch Firemen visited with Shoals Elementary School in Mink Shoals on the Southern End of our Fire District. We were greeted by 15 Pre-K Students and a few parents. Firefighters and students discussed calling 9-1-1, Smoke Alarms, Stop-Drop & Roll, meeting places outside the house and what to do if they are trapped in side a burning home. Lt. Carr & Captain Legg were asked many questions regarding the tower ladder from how tall the ladder is, to what type of tires it has.
Pinch Fire Dept. will be visiting many Schools in our Fire District over the next few weeks, as we may not get to speak to every single child we will visit every since 3rd grade class. if you have a class or organization that would like a visit to discuss fire safety please contact us at and arrangements will be made.